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Peruvian Army

Last modified: 2021-08-25 by rob raeside
Keywords: army | ejército del perú | sword: pointing up | sun: 32 rays | hasta quemar el ultimo cartucho | traingle (red) | ring (red) | roundel |
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Army Flag
image by Jaume Ollé, 14 Jun 2001

See also: External links:
  • Flags Page of the Regimientos de America website, showing historical military flags, including some early 1800 royalist (spanish) ones used in Peru (images by Jaume Ollé).
    reported by Olivier Touzeau, 10 Oct 2002

Army flag

Flag of peruvian army from Flag Report issue 22 [frp].
Jaume Ollé, 14 Jun 2001

It is a very dark green flag, approx. ratio 2:3, with a large white ellipse (with slight vertical oblongness) centered on it, containing the Peruvian Army emblem. Centered and arching above the ellipse, «EJÉRCITO DEL PERÚ» in white sans capitals.
António Martins, 28 Oct 2003

I saw this flag at the Fuerte Real Felipe museum in Callao, near Lima, run by the army.
Jan-Patrick Fischer, 15 Mar 2001

The Peruvian Army flag, prescribed by Ministerial Order No. 954 DE/EP, shall be hoisted on the Headquarters of the Military Regions (Center, North, East, South, Rivers Apurimac and Ene), on the premises of the main Units and Detachments, on the Military College at Chorillos and on the Army Technical College. The flag shall be hoisted every day from 7:55 to 17:15; hoisting up and down shall be done with the relevant honours and the "Marcha redoblada" music. The flag shall be hoisted on the left of the national flag. It shall be made of silk, in size 0.93 m x 1.40 m - 0.7 m x 1.06 m for the cavalry units -, with a black staff and a bronze spear and base, as for the War flag.
The flag is in proportions 2:3, dry-olive coloured - the colour of the Army, representing security, stainless steel and permanent alert -, with the Army emblem in the middle. The Army emblem is a white oval in proportions 5:6 charged with the Army shield in its original colours and the writing "EJERCITO DEL PERU" on the outer upper border of the oval.
Source: Website of the Peruvian Army

The Army shield, adopted on 20 August 1956, is made of a vertical sword, white with silver shadows and a golden hilt, placed over a golden sun and surrounded by two green branches of laurel (left) and olive (right), with red florets. The base of the shield includes a scroll in the national colours (horizontally divided red-white-red) with the motto "HASTA QUEMAR EL ULTIMO CARTUCHO", written in red letters on the white stripe.
The sun means power, wisdom and virtue, constance, greatness of mind, sacrifice and unity, as well as integrity, firmness, prudence, honesty, vigor and obedience. It represents the unity of the command. The laurel branch means victory, honour and reward, that is the triumph of the armies and the honour of the battles. The two "broken" (lower left) leaves represent two "captive" areas*. The olive branch means peace and progress, through contribution to the national development. The sword means vigilance, integrity, firmness, prudence, honesty, vigor and obedience, that is virtues used to the service of the national defense. The scroll represents the sacred flag of Peru. The motto recalls the answer made on 5 June 1880 by Colonel Francisco Bolognesi Cervantes** to the enemy messengers.
Source: Website of the Peruvian Army

*The regions of Tarapaca and Arica, lost at the end of the War of Pacific (1879-1883) and transferred to Chile in 1883 and 1929,respectively.

** Francisco Bolognesi Cervantes (1818-1880) is a hero of the War of Pacific. During the hopeless defense of the town of Arica besieged by the Chilean army, he answered on 5 June 1880 the messengers demanding surrender "Tengo deberes sagrados que cumplir y los cumpliré hasta quemar el último cartucho" (I have sacred duties to fulfill, and I will fulfill them until I fire the last round). Killed on 7 June 1880 during the final assault, Bolognesi was proclaimed on 2 January 1951 the Patron of the Peruvian Army and, on 30 November 1989 (Law No. 25128), Great Marshal of Peru.

The flag shown on photos behind the general officers of the Army has the emblem outlined in golden yellow, with the writing "EJERCITO DEL PERU" in golden yellow, too. The sword is not shadowed.
Source: Website of the Peruvian Army
Ivan Sache, 30 May 2012

Emblem detail

Army emblem
image by Jaume Ollé, 30 Oct 2003

The Peruvian Army emblem consists of a a sword pointing upwards under a sun and flanked by a wreath tied with a ribbon in the national colors (red-white-red horizontally).
António Martins, 30 Oct 2003

The scroll reads «HASTA QUEMAR EL »(sword)« ULTIMO CARTUCHO»: «til the last cartridge has been burnt».
Santiago Dotor, 11 Nov 2003

The emblem is surrounded by a golden line and the surrounding in gold, too.
Jan-Patrick Fischer, 15 Mar 2001

Symbols of the Army Aviation Corps

The full name of this entity seems to be Aviación del Ejército Peruano = Peruvian Army Aviation.
António Martins, 25 Mar 2008

Tail insignia

Book [c2e98] shows a tail insingia of three thin stripes but photos (such as this at at the Scramble.NL website) show a regular fin flash.
Dov Gutterman, 22 Jun 2004

Roundel with sword

Image at the website shows a different roundel as the regular roundel superimposing a sword. Photo at the Scramble.NL website shows that indeed it is a roundel on sword.
Dov Gutterman, 22 Jun 2004

Indeed, though the Fighter-Jets.DE image (not a photo) shows the sword fully ;“under” the roundel, while the photo at Scramble.NL shows the sword visible over the outer ring and the white ring and central disc covering it. For comparison, the insignia of the equivalent Navy entity shows an anchor in the latter attitude.
António Martins, 22 Mar 2008

Roundel with triangle

image by António Martins, 22 Mar 2008

For the third air corp (Ejército del Perú — formed 1971), book [c2e98] shows a roundel made of red triangle on white disc bordered with red ring (triangle tops touch the ring).
Dov Gutterman, 22 Jun 2004
